Breeding for Excellence in Conformation,
the Field and in the Home
I fell in love with the Boykin Spaniel because of my son in the 1980’s. I became an advocate when I discovered how poorly they were being bred. The breed ranked number 3 in the nation of all breeds to have inherited hip dysplasia. And, over the years, other inherited problems were revealed. As a Registered Nurse, I knew that breeding these wonderful dog had to be done much better….so I became “involved” and disliked by some of those breeders back then. Change never comes easily. Nor are you popular in bringing recognition to it. Today….our breed is healthier and there are many good breeders who health and DNA test and breed their Boykins according to those test results.
There are also still many puppy mills. So buyer beware! Do your own research! I established Hollow Creek Kennel in 1987.
In 2010, I became the first Boykin Spaniel Breeder to be awarded the coveted title of "Breeder of Merit" of the Boykin Spaniel by the American Kennel Club. During my 33 + years of exclusively breeding the Boykin Spaniel, I have earned bragging rights of having bred the most titled and multi-titled Boykin Spaniels in both the AKC and the UKC. Many of my dogs have also competed and completed
honorably in the annual Boykin Spaniel Nationals with a few taking placements. I was also awarded the Legacy Award from the Boykin Spaniels’ AKC parent Club for my work and contributions to the advancement of the breed.
To date….Hollow Creek Kennel has produced the ONLY Boykin Spaniel to have won the highly honored top award of "Best In Show" ... in an All Breed Show ! Check out UWP GRCH Hollow Creek's Gus CGC and you will see why! He is regal! CH Hollow Creek’s Jake Watts CD BN RM RAE2 SH DN THDN CGCA TKN was the most titled Boykin to have ever lived. He was a legend in the Boykin world and our hearts. Beth Crocker, and Jake, her very first Boykin, were an amazing team.
My focus, as a breeder, has always been to mentor others and provide accurate information about the breed. I strive to assure responsible and ethical breeding which WILL assure physical and mental soundness…..while adhering to the breed standards. I have been a very verbal advocate of the breed since 1987... and I remain dedicated to breeding for EXCELLENCE in conformation, the field and the hearth. Boykin Spaniels are thieves. In the field, they will steal the show….on the hearth, they will steal your heart.
Alway remember….that …. The breed, was developed in South Carolina to fill the niche of a compact retriever gundog. Boykin Spaniels, with their compact size, multiple talents and tremendous intelligence make exceptional family pets and hunting companions. However, their greatest “need” is to be a member of the family. Hunting is optional…but being a family member is not! They are not kennel dogs.
In summary, and as I near retirement from breeding this amazing dog… my belief that the Boykin Spaniel is the most versatile breed of the 21st century!
